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/ Superstars of Japanese Porn! / Superstars of Japanese Porn! - Disc 1.iso / cdi

Jump To: Archive (6)  |  Image (8)  |  Text (8)  |  Other (12)

Archives (6)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
delop_p.6r7 IFF CAT file 1 3KB 1995-12-14
hrmenu.6c4 IFF CAT file 1 48KB 1995-12-14
info_p.6r7 IFF CAT file 1 2KB 1995-12-14
new_p.6r7 IFF CAT file 1 4KB 1995-12-14
save_p.6r7 IFF CAT file 1 9KB 1995-12-14
settin_p.6r7 IFF CAT file 1 6KB 1995-12-14

Images (8)

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
dut.6tx Text File 127 9KB 1995-12-14
eng.6tx Text File 120 9KB 1995-12-14
fra.6tx Text File 145 10KB 1995-12-14
ger.6tx Text File 154 10KB 1995-12-14
ita.6tx Text File 126 9KB 1995-12-14
por.6tx Text File 126 9KB 1995-12-14
spa.6tx Text File 168 11KB 1995-12-14
swe.6tx Text File 130 9KB 1995-12-14

Other Files (12)
cdi_appl.pcd OS9/68k Module 3KB 1995-12-14
pcd_exec.dat OS9/68k Module 24KB 1995-12-14
pcd_exec.pcd OS9/68k Module 207KB 1995-12-14
dut.6in Unknown 640b 1995-12-14
eng.6in Unknown 640b 1995-12-14
fra.6in Unknown 640b 1995-12-14
ger.6in Unknown 640b 1995-12-14
ita.6in Unknown 640b 1995-12-14
key_sm.6mc Unknown 7KB 1995-12-14
por.6in Unknown 640b 1995-12-14
spa.6in Unknown 640b 1995-12-14
swe.6in Unknown 640b 1995-12-14